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Commitment to Seniors Unveils New Digital Video Advertisements Following Additional Biden-Harris Raid on Medicare

CONTACT: Michael DeSantis

Washington, D.C. — August 14, 2024 — American Commitment’s Commitment to Seniors project has unveiled new digital video advertisements for its national and multi-state “End the Raid” on Medicare petition, grassroots mobilization, and paid media campaign. The advertisements, running in nine states and nineteen districts, underscore the adverse impacts of the Biden-Harris administration’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) on Medicare beneficiaries and taxpayers.

Watch two of the ads here:

These ads are particularly timely as the Biden-Harris administration prepares to announce and tout the results of the IRA’s alleged Medicare price “negotiation savings.” The bill was promoted to seniors to lower health care costs, improve access to care, and strengthen Medicare. However, nearly two years after its passage, the IRA has proven to do much of the opposite, including diverting an estimated $260 billion in projected Medicare drug “savings” to fund special interest giveaways like green energy projects and massive subsidies for big insurers.

Furthermore, the Biden-Harris administration is now covertly raiding Medicare a second time to hide the IRA’s failures. This time, it is raiding the Medicare trust fund to hide Part D monthly premium increases of nearly 180% by paying off big insurers.

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American Commitment is dedicated to restoring and protecting our nation’s commitment to free markets, economic growth, constitutionally limited government, property rights, and individual freedom. American Commitment engages in critical public policy fights over the size and intrusiveness of government through direct advocacy, strategic policy analysis, and grassroots mobilization. Visit us online at